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Discovering LLMjacking: New Cybersecurity Threat Targeting LLM Services


Novel Cybersecurity Attack ‘LLMjacking’ Targets LLM Services

Key Points

  • Cybersecurity researchers unveil a new attack exploiting stolen cloud credentials to target cloud-hosted large language model (LLM) services.
  • The attack has been named “LLMjacking” by the Sysdig Threat Research Team.
  • After gaining initial access, the attackers exfiltrate cloud credentials and gain further control.
  • Attackers aim to sell the access to other threat actors.


In an alarming discovery, cybersecurity researchers have recently identified a unique method of cyber attack. This strategy, now known as ‘LLMjacking’, allows hackers to use stolen cloud credentials to infiltrate cloud-hosted large language model (LLM) services. Over time, the Sequra Threat Research Team has seen a rise in these attacks, driven by the intent to sell unauthorized access to various threat actors.

Once the perpetrators have their initial access, they methodically exfiltrate the cloud credentials. By gaining these credentials, they seize further control over these cloud-hosted LLM services. This level of access, coupled with extensive data collected, can empower cybercriminals to launch more sophisticated and devastating attacks. The severity of future attacks hinges on the potential misuse of these credentials.


The revelation of LLMjacking underscores the escalating complexity of cyber attacks and the creative tactics employed by hackers. It serves as a stern reminder to all entities reliant on cloud-based solutions, particularly LLM services, of the necessity for rigorous and frequent security practices. Failing to safeguard access to crucial data and service control could lead to substantial information breaches and subsequent business risks. It is imperative now more than ever for us to stay vigilant, keep our systems updated, and invest in advanced cybersecurity strategies to combat evolving threats like LLMjacking.

Hot Take

LLMjacking is yet another entry in the ever-growing encyclopedia of cyber threats. Its modus operandi of exploiting cloud credentials to gain and sell access to large language model (LLM) services offers a chilling insight into the evolving methodology of cybercriminals. The digital landscape is becoming more perilous, and the imperative for adopting resilient cybersecurity measures has never been higher.

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